Expert nursing faculty, networking with nursing research peers, and progress on award proposals!
Which summer camp offers military nurses the opportunity to consult with expert nursing faculty, interact with nurse researcher peers, and work on an award proposal? The TSNRP Research and Evidence-Based Practice Grant Camp!
After COVID-19 related cancellations and relocations, 2022 Grant Camp returned to Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, CA. This conference facility provides ample space for mentorship teams to discuss projects, a private conference space, and an excellent view.
The TSNRP Grant Camp is a five-day comprehensive workshop for military nurses and military nursing graduate students. Faculty presentations during the week cover the science and art of writing a successful application to managing a successful project. Grant Camp is designed to be a welcoming environment where student attendees work with experienced faculty members to develop a successfully TSNRP award application.
The work begins prior to camp. Applications are due in early spring of each year and, among other requirements, include a 3 to 5-page draft proposal. Each student attendee is assigned a dedicated faculty mentor. These pairings begin to meet during the weeks leading up to the course, and usually continue to work together afterwards. During Grant Camp, students and faculty members work together refining specific aspects of the student’s project. Student presentations and opportunities for group feedback are woven throughout the week.
Expanded Curriculum
The agenda included a mix of presentations from faculty members, dedicated mentorship time, and opportunities for student presentations with peer and faculty feedback. Topics presented by faculty included, among others:
Research methods and data collection (for quantitative, qualitative and evidence-based projects);
Research protections and complying with requirements of institutional review boards (IRBs) and institutional animal care and use committee (IACUCs); and
Developing and managing budgets.
Plus, TSNRP priorities, the review process, and the TSNRP Executive Board of Directors’ input and a new virtual statistical consultation.
In attendance this year were: TSNRP Executive Director COL Young Yauger, PhD, CRNA, and faculty members: CAPT (ret) Catherine Cox, PhD; COL (ret) Bonnie Mowinski Jennings, PhD, RN, FAAN; Col Laurie A. Migliore, PhD; MAJ Melissa Miller, PhD, RN, CNOR; CAPT (ret) Janet Pierce, PhD, APRN, CCRN, FAAN; COL Pauline A. Swiger, PhD, CMSRN, CNL; CDR Melissa Troncoso, PhD, NP-C, CHWC; LTC(P) Christopher A. VanFosson, PhD, MHA, RN, NEA-BC; COL (ret) Linda Yoder, PhD, MBA, RN, AOCN, FAAN. All junior faculty at this course attended Grant Camp as students and were able to provide additional insight from experience with their individual TSNRP awards.
Save the Date: 10 to 14 July, 2023 in San Diego, CA
Applications are due in early spring. Watch the Events page on this website for more information.