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Attendee Health & Wellness Plan

For 2024 TSNRP Research & EBP Dissemination Course

The Health & Wellness Committee offer the following guidance to ensure you enjoy your learning experience. Wellness activities are integrated into the agenda and we look forward to your participation!


Nutrition & Hydration

Nutrient-dense foods and pure water are powerful ways to fuel our body and protect cognitive function.

  • Start every day with 8 oz. of pure water. For flavor, add fresh citrus, berries, mint, cucumber, or herbs.

  • Nourish your body with delicious foods rich in flavonoids (e.g., fruits, vegetables, tea, chocolate).

  • Choose colorful fruits and vegetables (e.g., berries, kiwi, apples, kale, broccoli) to support ample levels of vitamin C, cellular brain protection, and immune function.

  • Eat clean sources of omega-3 (e.g. wild-caught salmon, mackerel, tuna).

  • Snack on nuts, seeds, and fruit.

  • Choose a broth-based soup or small salad for an appetizer for extra nutrients and fewer calories.

  • Share an entrée with a colleague to avoid overeating and food waste.

  • Practice mindful eating. Enjoy your meal/snack without distractions. Start with 3 slow, deep breaths.


Exercise increases mind-body resilience. Avoid being sedentary with intentional movement throughout the day. Even short bursts of activity are linked to better physical and mental health.

  • Participate in physical wellness activities during the course: laughter yoga, core workout, body scan,
    walks/runs, and gentle stretching.

  • Diversity exercise routines with a buddy or new workout.

  • Try a 5-minute core workout or 15-minute yoga session on YouTube.

  • Set a timer to stretch every 60 minutes. During breaks, walk stairs, stretch, or do a few jumping jacks.

  • Use the stairs vs. elevator and engage in conversation while walking with others.



How we think, speak, and eat impacts our mental and emotional health which is essential to overcome challenges and enjoy life.

  • Drink H2O daily (1/2 your body weight in ounces) for optimal cognitive function.

  • Be Present: Practice single tasking. Avoid the temptation to check texts or emails during a presentation.

  • Participate: Engage in activities that calm, relax, boost creativity, and dispel negative thinking (e.g., yoga, meditation, walks,
    journaling, coloring, stretching).

  • Get Unstuck: Change your scenery, walk outdoors, enjoy nature, bask in the sun, meet new people.

  • Be Grateful: Write 3 things you appreciate today.

  • Practice Kindness: Do something nice for someone else (and yourself), ideally without recognition.


Social exchanges cultivate belonging, purpose, happiness, self-confidence, and can reduce stress. Plus, it helps your
body heal faster, and buffers against depression, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide.

  • Join the Laughter Yoga session on Tuesday 16 April 0700 AM as a joyful way to connect with others.

  • Find an accountability partner during the course to complete a morning or afternoon workout.

  • Allow time to connect with friends or make new ones during breakouts, organized socials, or mealtimes. Resist the urge to isolate or to work.

  • Be proactive and seek out a mentor or mentee.

  • Practice active listening and give the gift of empathy when needed.

  • Purposefully interact with new people or people working on projects different from your own.


Restoration & Rejuvenation

Sleep is the body’s sacred time to recharge our physical and mental resilience. Sleep quantity AND quality matter.

  • Plan for 7 to 9 hours of sleep nightly.

  • Be consistent with daily rise and rest times.

  • Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, or alcohol 4 hours before bedtime.

  • Turn off devices (i.e., cell phones and computers) at least 1 hour before bedtime.

  • Melatonin, aroma therapy, and herbal tea can help the body relax and unwind.

  • Journal about what went well during the day and who you can encourage or support tomorrow.

Spiritual Needs & Authentic Self

A regular practice of self-reflection, life centering, or spiritual connection can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while contributing to a longer, more fulfilling life.

  • Practice morning reflections by asking:

    • What personal strengths and gifts can I share today?

    • What do I need to accept today?

    • What action can I take today?

    • What will drive me to be my best today?

    • What values do I choose to live out today?

  • Meditate. Try mobile apps (e.g., Insight Timer, Calm, Headspace, Stop Breathe & Think).

  • Listen to music, read a book, or enjoy a walk.

  • Practice yoga. Try guided movements via mobile apps (e.g., YouTube, Pocket Yoga, Asana Rebel).

  • List what motivates you in life and how you can craft a values-based life.

  • Embrace you and be honest when your daily task plate is too full. Develop strategies to prioritize activities as must-do, nice-to-do, and not required.


More Resources

Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP)


CHAMP is a DoD Center of Excellence located at the Uniformed Services University, dedicated to the health and performance of Service Members and their families, Veterans, and all DoD personnel. CHAMP focuses on holistic approaches to optimize Warfighter performance and family readiness through leadership, community engagement, education, and translation of human-performance research.

Source: USU Consortium for Health & Military Performance

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